What do to with a massive, delicious pumpkin – that isn’t soup?

I bought a beautifully huge, orange and ripe pumpkin from the dairy up at Lower Beechmont on the weekend – and have gone a little mad for pumpkin. I love pumpkin soup, and will never get tired of it, but I wanted to flex my creative muscles with this beauty of a pumpkin!!

Last night I made Pumpkin Bolognaise and

Home-made Corn and Rice Pasta.

Today it is Pumpkin Pie Bread (mine doesn’t look like that – a little flat actually – but delicious with home-made cream cheese made from sheep’s milk),

Pumpkin and Pecan Cookies (yummy little numbers I made up today!)

and Pumpkin Pudding!

All of them free of gluten, dairy, nightshades and soy, and I still have enough pumpkin left over to make a pumpkin risotto to freeze for a future meal.

Who said I was on a restricted diet?

This is the most fun with food I’ve had in ages 🙂

We may look a little orange by the end of this week as we’ve been having raw paw paw smoothies too!

P.S. Did you know I have a cooking blog too? I have just re-named it Lavendilly Kitchen (of course!). You can follow it through Blogger for updates about recipes I find on the internet, recipes I grew up with, recipes from friends and recipes I make up on the spot. Contributions are always welcome!!

One thought on “What do to with a massive, delicious pumpkin – that isn’t soup?

  1. wow! I must admit we ate pumpkin soup for weeks. Just ran out of ours from the garden and a friend dropped another huge one around. We did eat more soup but we made three different types. And we roasted some with other vegies and herbs. I am going to have to buy pumpkin now and try out some of these recipes! Those cookies look very tempting! 🙂

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